Vegan Climate Panel Dinner Party

Welcome to a fearless, constructive and festive space for discussion!

In collaboration with Relearn Suderbyn Ecovillage, Café Kosmos, Acting for Climate & DJ Bitch Muchannon, DYNAMO invites you to an evening where we meet, talk, debate, eat and dance our way through current and urgent topics within CLIMATE as the overall agenda.

The big question of the evening is: “How can we as consumers help save the planet through our eating habits and food culture?”

In an attempt to unfold the talk in a positive space, without anxious, finger-pointing and negative connotations, we serve good food and delicious tunes in the glow of the disco ball, while we tackle a serious issue.

Before the evening’s program unfolds, we invite you to experience the performance BARK by Acting for Climate, which plays at 17 in Åløkkeskoven. It is free, but requires ticket booking, which you can read more about here –>


17.00-18.30 The performance BARK in Åløkkeskoven
18.30-19.00 Walk to DYNAMO
19.00-… Check in and welcome to DYNAMO! Dinner – which consists of a vegan buffet – is served, and you can look forward to having all the dishes presented by team Café Kosmos. We eat while listening to the following program:
19.30-20.00 Presentation and Q&A with Relearn Ecovillage
20.00-21.00 Panel debate with panellists, which are continuously announced!
21.00-02.00 Climate dance party with DJ Bitch Muchannon, who plays music by request and donation from the audience

NOTE: The conversation takes place in English!

The event is held with support from Odense Municipality – Kulturpuljen, the Danish Arts Foundation and the Foundation for Danish-Swedish Cooperation

Photo by Dainius Putinas