An afternoon of Italian puppet theater at DYNAMO – two performances for the price of one. For both children and adults, bring the whole family to DYNAMO for a magical afternoon with international performing arts.

Experience the performance MANOVIVA by Girovago e Rondella (IT) at 15 to 15.20 followed by 30 min. intermission.

After the intermission, the performance ANTIPODI by Compagnia Dromosofista (IT / AG) will perform from 15.50 to 16.15

MANOVIVA by Girovago e Rondella (IT)
Magic hand puppets in a mini-manege. In a dark and magical microcosm, Manin and Manon invite us into their amazing little world, where hands give life to two little circus performers.

Manin is a line dancer and walks on stilts. Manon is both a juggler, fire eater and orchestra in the small circus. Manonviva is a puppet show that creates a fabulous miniature world with just five fingers and without words.

DURATION: 20 min
AGE: From 3 years
CREDITS: Marco Grignani, Federica Lacomba and Timoteo Grignani

Girovago and Rondella met at a boat theater in Greece 35 years ago. Since then, they have developed popular and poetic performances, which have been shown in more than 25 countries.

Read more about the company on their website

ANTIPODY by Compagnia Dromosofista (IT / AG)
Puppets and live music on a journey around the world. An enchanting performance where ideas are on the rise, and shadows, bodies and dolls unfold a whole world.

Take on a journey around the world where nothing is out of reach. Accompanied by live music, we take on the globe together.

AGE: from 7 years
CREDITS: Tommaso Grignani, Facundo Moreno and Rugiada Grignani

Compagniai Dromosofista was founded in 2007 when the sibling trio Rugiada, Timoteo and Tommaso Grignani, met the Moreno brothers in Italy. Together they create street poetic theater, where they combine live music, puppets and physical theater.

Read more about the company on their website

Price: From DKK 120 / DKK 40 (DKK 200 at the door) Buy your ticket in advance – it is much cheaper.