Impressive and unrestricted movement – par excellence. Body virtuoso with an absurd body awareness. Visual artist, dancer, choreographer, performance artist, handstand artist and movement expert.
Under the heading A circus career in constant flow, DYNAMO has invited Scottish-born performer, dancer and artist Iona Kewney to work as “Artist in residency” in the month of April. The stay is concluded on April 23rd with a “Work in progress” presentation in front of an audience. Here, Iona Kewney, along with her artistic partner Joseph Quimby, are presenting artistic material and ideas from their joint process.
Iona Kewney and musician Joseph Quimby are collaborating under the name Knights of the Invisible and ‘Waiting for the Sea Eagle’ is the working title of the duo’s performance project which at this stage revolves around the distinctly anatomical, ethereal, euphoric and visceral: a landscape of body, mind and imagination unfolded in an abstract universe bordering surrealism and hyper-realism.
This residency was created with financial support from the Danish Arts Foundation. With this residency, it has been important to DYNAMO to prioritize those artists who, being more experienced performers, typically do not have access to artistic residencies to the same degree as younger and more un-established artists do. The selection therefore emphasizes where the applicant artist is in his/her career and what experiences the artist is bringing with her/him as they continue the artistic journey.
* Note: This is a Work in Progress view, which means that this is not a finished performance. By contrast, this view is a presentation of material and ideas that precede a finished performance.