Circus Seminars

A series of talks, debates, panels, workshops, and reflections at the DYNAMO Circus Festival 2023. The seminars took place between 14th – 16th June 2023 in Odense. 


We aim to facilitate a platform for organizers, producers, performers and creators to share knowledge and best practices across the region. We take a starting point in current realities and challenges in the field, with a focus on imagining and designing a more sustainable future for contemporary circus, in the Nordic Region and beyond. The themes of the seminars in 2023 are Innovation, Articulation, and Sustainability, and you can read more about these here.

As a participant to the seminars, you can buy a Festival Partout Ticket at a discount. The discount code and a ticket link will be sent to you once you sign up through the form at the bottom of this page.

Quick info & programme overview
All activities take place at address: Buchwaldsgade 48, Odense C (10 min walk from DYNAMO). The venue is not accessible by wheelchair. 

Wednesday June 14th
10.00-12.00: Circus as practices of hope. Lecture by Marie-Andrée Robitaille. [ENG]
13.00-15.00: Workshop on circus dramaturgy. [ENG]
18.30-19.00: Book presentation – Notes on Creation by Katapult. [ENG] OBS! Location for this session is the festival site at DYNAMO (Finlandkaj 6) at the Circus Boutique!

Thursday June 15th 
10.00-12.00: Writing the physical. Writing workshop by Anne Liisberg/ISCENE with Katrina Bugaj [DK]
13.00-15.00: Launch of the new Danish Network for Circus / Dansk Samtidscirkus, co-presented with DAF [ENG] OBS! Location for this session is DYNAMO (Finlandkaj 6)
15.30 – 16.30: Performance – ‘Multiverse’ by Marie-Andrée Robitaille (In DYNAMO – advance booking through festival ticket system required) 

Friday June 16th
10.00-12.00: Strategies to navigate a circus career. Panel talk w/ Sunniva Byvard, Jacob Stage, and Stina Resting. Moderator: Anne Liisberg Co-presented with Udviklingsplatformen for Scenekunst. [ENG]
12.30-14.30: Creating without compromise – circus in a commercial context. Pitch workshops with Dan le Man. Co-presented with Udviklingsplatformen for Scenekunst. [ENG]

Participation is free, but we will charge a 250 DKK/35 EUR no-show fee. Deadline for sign up: May 15th. Deadline for cancellations: June 1st. For questions or concerns, contact: Elena Stanciu | tel. (+45) 52 60 65 05


Wednesday 14th June

10:00 – 12:00 

Circus as Practices of Hope
Lecture and guided conversation by Marie-Andrée Robitaille

Humans are currently facing complex crises on planet Earth. Since 2020, the performing arts sector has been disrupted. Now in 2023, we are at the intersection of old ways and new ways of doing. In this context, what does it mean to be a circus artist today? How can circus remain relevant in today’s contexts and how can circus help answer broader questions of human involvement in the world? 

For this year’s edition, Marie-Andrée will speak to the three seminars themes: Articulation, Innovation and Sustainability with starting point in her doctoral artistic research project, “Circus as Practices of Hope.” The lecture will open to a conversation on circus specificities and ethical considerations, and we will collectively reflect on how circus arts may remain practices of hope, solidarity, and care for the future. Read more about Marie-Andrée’s work her. Photo by Einar Kling Odencrants


Circus dramaturgy: Creation and Wonder
Workshop facilitated by Daniel Gulko

There are moments to play and moments to question the play

There are tools for composing and tools for thinking about what we have made. There are arguments about what is Circus:  Dramaturgy? Choreography? Because circus is not Theatre and not Dance but also Is. There is pride and rage to defend our choices on the spectrum of perception and expectation.Make your brain be a muscle. Let your body think from its innate knowledge. We will be looking at concept and action, questioning established codes, defining our personal and collective vocabulary. Learning when to question and when to shut up and just do the work. We need a conversation about ”how to work”. Where do we put our energy? 

*Creation and wonder – titled inspired by Henri Matisse: “You study, you learn, but you preserve your original naivety. It must inhabit you, like a drunkard’s desire to drink or like love in the lover.”


Book presentation – Notes on Creation
Presentation and Q&A with Oli Pinchbeck and Declan Mee / Katapult

OBS! This event takes place on the festival site at DYNAMO Finlandkaj 6 at the Circus Boutique!

Notes on Creation is a collection of insights and opinions on the creative process from the perspective of contemporary circus, articulated by thinkers, makers, movers, teachers, performers, academics, clowns, choreographers, directors, producers and more. The subjects include: Research, Inspiration, Music, Directing, Nudity, Group Work, Dramaturgy, Life As An Artist, Teaching and many more.

The book is presented subject-by-subject and question-by-question, with the artists’ contributions displayed in a bite-sized and conversational style, making it easy to dip in to just for inspiration, to dive into a specific topic, or to sit down and read from cover to cover. Declan and Oli will host a short presentation of the book and Q&A, as well as having copies of Notes on Creation for sale. Read more about the book – here.

Thursday 15th June

10:00 – 12:00

Writing the Physical
Writing workshop facilitated by Anne Liisberg/ISCENE with Katrina Bugaj /Out of Balanz

“International research points to the fact that cultural journalism, in addition to reporting and disseminating news, also increasingly places a cultural filter on the present, i.e. puts current trends and events into perspective and opens them to debate.” (Anne Liisberg) The role of culture journalism is central to framing performing arts, leading dialogue, and developing a vocabulary for different art forms. How do we write about performing arts and about circus? How does the physical translate into spoken language and written form? What do artists make of reviewes and critique, and how can they integrate it in future work? These questions and more inspire this workshop facilitated by culture journalist Anne Liisberg from ISCENE. The workshop is open to both circus/performing artists and writers/ participants with an interest in culture writing, at various levels of skill

13.00 – 15.00

Launch of the new Network for Contemporary Circus – Brancheforeningen Dansk Samtidscirkus
Offcial launch, open dialogue, and vision workshop. Full programme – here.

Everyone (from Denmark and abroad) is invited to the launch of a brand-new network for contemporary circus in Denmark! Come celebrate with us, meet the board, the members or maybe become a member. We are thrilled to invite you to a workshop of dreams and bubbles.  We’ll have a panel talk and open discussion, followed by a vision workshop, where participants are guided to imagine the future of circus, and trace the path from vision to reality, with a focus on sustainable development for the field. The launch event and workshop are presented in collaboration with DAF and Acting for Climate.
On the panel: Lina B. Frank (SE), Kristina Eriksson (SE), Ib Jensen (DK), Dorthe Vincentzen (DK), Signe Løve Anderskov (DK).

Friday 16th June
Producers’ Platform #9 x DYNAMO Circus Festival

Once a year, the Development Platform for Performing Arts offers the all-day seminar Producers’ Platforms. The seminar is aimed at producers and self-producing stage artists. The format provides room for reflection, inspiration and knowledge sharing.

10:00 – 12:00 

Strategies to navigate a circus career
Panel talk w/ Sunniva Byvard, Jacob Stage, and Stina Resting. Moderator: Anne Liisberg Co-presented with Udviklingsplatformen for Scenekunst.

This session delves into some of the pressing details of a circus carrer, to discuss models and methods for balancing all sides of professional life. With the known gaps in the Danish contemporary circus field (precarious resources, lacking infrastructure), artists and companies find ways to thrive and create outstanding work. We invite artists and producers with a diverse career path to share lessons they’ve learned, tips and tricks of how to navigate successfully an intense sector, with a focus on crafting more sustainable work models. This session is open to all working in or with an interest for the culture sector – we recognize the interconnections of creative and culture work, and we invite to dialogue across art forms and professional backgrounds. This session is presented in collaboration with Udviklingsplatformen for Scenekunst.

12.30 – 14.30

Creating without compromise – How do commercial interests and art function together?
Pitch workshop with Dan le Man.

Pitch your show right and get more bookings. Contacting a festival, event, agent or a professional producer is like going on a first date. They make decisions about whether you get to meet them again based on speed and clarity of communication, your personality, the quality of your show visuals, online presence, etc. It’s more than just the quality of your show. Put your best foot forward and stand out from the crowd by knowing how to pitch your show so you’ll get more quality bookings and leads. We’ll deal with common mistakes made during an approach to bookers via email, through social media and in online application forms so it’s easier for producers, festivals and organisers to book you. 
The workshop is co-presented with co-presented with Udviklingsplatformen for Scenekunst. Read more about pitch coach Dan le Man here.


If you missed the deadline, but still wish to participate in the Seminars, you can send an email to

DYNAMO Circus Seminars is supported by Nordic Culture Point – Culture and Art Programme and Wistifonden. Special thanks to HF FLOW for logistics support.

Photos by Cosmin Cirstea, unless specified.