Playful and visually appealing work in progress

Playful and visually strong juggling. Immersed in a plastic tidal wave, we will be led to the very essence of this object that is the ring. We will lose ourselves in its immensity. As we go along, the space will be transformed. The emptiness of the stage will be replaced by plastic and colour.

AGE 5 +
DURATION Approx. 45 min

Free entrance! Don’t forget to book your ticket!

The Camels With No Humps

Villads & Nathan lever på hver sin side af jorden og møder for første gang hinanden to uger før DYNAMO nycirkus-festival. Sammen skaber de deres work in progress visning. Hvad de ved med sikkerhed, er at visningen vil inkludere en masse ”snapping, slapping, clapping, tapping, throwing og forhåbentligt catching”. Et spektakulært show med rytme, musik og jonglering.


A work in progress

The speaker is an object that sends out sounds into the world but never listens. Its opposite is the microphone that picks up what is being said. 

With juggling, flow, musicality and humor, højTALER is a sensuous exploration with curiosity on the surroundings, where everyday objects find new poetic and playful contexts.

AGE All ages
DURATION 45 min. incl. artists talk