CANCELLED: Waiting For the Sea Eagle

Work in progress showing

WAITING FOR THE SEA EAGLE is a landscape created by a musician and a dancer. A visionary world that defies description and must be experienced live – at once both primeval and futuristic.

Dance, live music, vocals and visual arts unit the two performers. Their souls are connected in a magnetic soundscape that echoes and collides in the atmosphere.

This is the second time the duo The Knights of the Invisible guests DYNAMO, who were last in residency in the summer of 2020.

DURATION Approx. 40 min.
AGE 12 years and up
TICKET Free or pay 50 kr. for the showing to support DYNAMO – book in advance


Below Zero presents Korus – a work in progress production.

Korus is the Swedish word for choir or“collective voice”which is also the theme of the piece. In selected parts of the play the artists challenge the idea of what coming together truly means.
Through hand to hand acrobatics, tight wire walking and teeterboard they explore the question of circus and cooperation: cooperation between people but also cooperation with nature.

In Korus we meet four artists unaware of what is happening in the outside world and the chaos that is closing in.

It is a universe where communication is done through movement, balance, strength and acrobatics, but what happens to that universe when the outside world can no longer be ignored?

The music is composed by Mischa Grind and is inspired by traditional folk music as well as the urbane techno scene.

This combination creates a magical musical atmosphere for the audience to
enjoy but also reflect upon.

Below Zero was founded in 2018 and is a Swedish circus company performing modern and innovative circus arts performances. Their artistic expression revolves around the creation of warmth and human contact – inspired by the cold weather of Sweden.

Korus is their second production.

The performance is free, so book your ticket.

CANCELLED: The Indifference Point

DYNAMO presents

Due to Covid-19 restrictions this work-in-progress showing has been closed for the public. We can’t wait to see you again soon! Stay safe.

A work in progress-showing of the way we live our life. A contemporary circus performance about regret and the non-linearity of life. A hopeful ’maybe’ and a timid ‘what if.

Revue Regret is an upcoming company in residency at DYNAMO. Using tattooing acrobatics in a rope and a cyr wheel, as well as a taxidermy fox and sword swallower to create a cathartic experience for the audience.

Time stands as still as the taxidermy fox, forgotten memories flare up in strobe light and swords become as heavy as guilt.


Revue Regret is a fierce combo formed of Jakob Jacobsson and Lisa Chudalla. They combine poetry and storytelling with cabaret, circus and performance art and serve you a spicy portion of die-hard circus full of bad decisions and bad jokes.

Read more on their webpage

Photo: Jara Reker & Tina Peissker

The End is Nigh !

A work in progress-presentation

A beginners guide to the end of the world.

Based on the premise that everything is fucked up, but nothing is lost yet, they take us on a post-apocalyptic acid trip where everything is crucial, but nothing is serious.

It is the end of the world as we know it, of the society in which we live, of humankind and of the systems which were created to allow us to live together. It’s also made up of micro-apocalypses: The toast which falls butter side down.

The atmosphere is poetic and dystopic. The piece uses a consumerist aesthetic where circus explores the use of recyclage of everyday objects. Welcome to a world seen through the eyes of La Barque Acide.

Film: Noémi Devaux – Vertigineuses


La Barque Acide presents 9 persons on stage. 5 women and 4 men investigate circus techniques as different as their original origins. The company’s members ceom from all over the world: Brazil, England, Finland, Australia, Italy, Spain, New Caledonia and France.

They met in the professional training program at Le Lido (Toulouse) in 2016, and have since expanded the family to include several technicians, an artistic collaborator, a team working on production and administration, set construction and lighting design.

Read more on their webpage
Follow La Barque Acide on Facebook
Follow La Barque Acide on Instagram

Photo: Thomas Bertrand

The ANTI-ISM Project

In collaboration with the cultural institution Katapult (Berlin), DYNAMO invites a circus company or an artist to explore the subject of inclusion.

The two selected artists, Kathrin Wagner and Emma Hornell, receive a week’s time production support in Berling and Odense, which will culminate with work in progress showings and artist talks.

So far, we can’t tell you what exactly it will end up being. But we can guarantee that it is experimental, contemporary circus that gives the audience a snapshot of modern performing arts à la 2021.

The showing is presented as a part of the Harbour Culture Festival, under the theme Art & Science. After the showing, we organise a talk in our series DYNAMO After Dark with brain researcher Åsa Fex Svenningsen from SDU.

See the rest of the Harbour Culture Festival on

The event will be in English.

Read more about the project here


In a dark and dreamlike universe, the audience is invited to open their eyes to the unknown, and re-evaluate their view of what is normal.

Based on the French philosopher René Descartes’ statement: “I think, therefore I am” and to music by Lasse Munk, the two artists will explore a number of circus disciplines such as acrobatics, balance and contorsion with choreography in a distortion of sound and bodies.

From 12 years and up.
Free entrance – book your ticket in advance.


How are the Nordic companies and performances impacted by our Nordic surroundings? The changing seasons, the cold, the dark, the water, the vast distances, the notion of the modern gender roles… How does the North express itself through our performances? DYNAMO wanted to explore this and made an open call for nordic artists.

The two selected companies are Collectif Malunés and Sisus Sirkus, who will be in residency at DYNAMO and give work in progress-showings of their investigations..

Collectif Malunés work on the project ‘Homan’. The performance is inspired by the artist’s feelings in relation to the thought: “what happens after humanity’s downfall?” As creators, their intention is to raise existential questions, rather than answer them. They believe that the answers are constantly changing in an evolving line that is life.

Sisus Sirkus work on their production ‘Split ends,’ exploring topics such as equality, authenticity, autonomy, and freedom, as well as questions around defining Finnish female identity.

Look forward to a night of Nordic circus experiements

AGE 10 +
DURATION 2 hours incl. artist talk

Free admission – book your ticket in advance

The project is supported by Nordic Culture Point // Nordic Council of Ministers


How would an anxiety attack dance? What would it sound like? – cancelled due to Covid-restrictions (updated dec. 18th 2021)

FreeFall is the first performance from The Light Company – a cross-aesthetic company with a circus performer and a sound artist.

In a combination of dance, aerial acrobatics and multichannel electroacoustic sound, the performance takes a stand against the anxiety and the stigma that surrounds the mental illness.

Together we make our way into the darkest corners of the mind, where mental issues thrive, and based on the performer’s personal experiences and memories, the inner demons are confronted.

DURATION 30-50 min.
AGE 12+
TICKET Free or pay 50 kr. for the showing to support DYNAMO – book in advance


A work in progress showing

Fineline is a delicate study of balance – as a physical, mental and spiritual concept. A tightwire piece created by Finnish Lumo Company, whom, in their own words, are obsessed with balance.

The senses sharpen when the performers move around on a thin steel wire in free fall. Join us as we zoom in on balance – in its presence and absence.

DURATION 30 min.
AGE For all
TICKET Free or pay 50 kr. for the showing to support DYNAMO – book in advance

Fast food emotion


A multidisciplinary take on humankind and the environment. Told through its very own scenic habitat of aerial circus, plastic waste and sonic explorations of the rhythms of the sea.

FAST FOOD EMOTION explores the boundaries between the beautiful and ugly as well as the quiet and stormy ocean, which can be broken by just a single wave.

DURATION 45 min. The doors open an hour before the performance. Come in good time and enjoy a drink in our bar.
AGE From 5 years old
TICKET Free entrance or pay 50 kr and support DYNAMO – remember to book ticket!

Circus without circus


Experience the result of an exciting, international research project at DYNAMO.

Circus artists and artists from other fields, architects, visual artists, filmmakers etc. have been selected and put together in teams of two. Together, they must explore how they can inspire each other and lead to new artistic expressions.

DYNAMO hosts two teams and opens the doors for an insight into the meeting and a subsequent artist talk.


Mon Aug 29 at 19.00 – JOREN DE COOMAN (BE) and THALIA PIGIER (FR)

DURATION approx 1 hour incl. artist talk
AGE From 12 år
TICKET Free entrance or pay 50 kr for the experience and support DYNAMO. Remember to book your ticket!

It’s winter, the sky is blue


A duet about loss, sensitivity and peaceful grief.

A tale of people in a postmodern world trying to talk about the connections and emotions under one roof.

VARIGHED 60 min. Dørene åbner en time før forestillingen. Kom i god tid og nyd en drink i vores bar.
ALDER fra 13 år
BILLET Gratis eller betal 50 kr for oplevelsen og støt DYNAMO.

Axial figures


Axial Figures is a collaboration between choreographer Simone Wierød and Hugh Diamond from the architectural firm Standard Practice. An interdisciplinary study of systems and geometric shapes that activate the entire stage space and release the dance from the stage floor.

The starting point for their study is the interplay between community and individualism – stability and risk-taking.

DURATION 60 min. inkl. artist talk. The doors open an hour before the performance. Come in good time and enjoy a drink in our bar.
AGE Fra 15 år

TICKET Free entrance or pay 50 kr. for the experience and support DYNAMO.

Going nowhere


GOING NOWHERE is a new, experimental and humorous new circus performance along the way. In GOING NOWHERE body percussion, object manipulation and acrobatic dance meet the absurd, funny and grotesque through an individual’s struggle to gain calmness, focus and contemplation back in his life.

The performance is co-produced by DYNAMO with support from the Danish Arts Foundation and Odense Kommune.

DURATION 60 min. inkl. artist talk. The doors open an hour before the performance. Come in good time and enjoy a drink in our bar.
AGE From 15 years old.

TICKET Free entrance or pay 50 kr. for the experience and support DYNAMO.


Work in progress.

O U T explores, and invites the audience to discover, the infinite possibilities of buckets. On the ground and in the air; with different shapes, sizes, and materials. The two artists create an absurd universe where fragility and playfulness are central. The energy travels, transforms and is shared. This piece wants to be free, moving and disturbing by times. This ensemble creates a world of connections, complicity, full of suspension and release.

DURATION ca. 1 hour incl. artist talk
AGE From 5 years old
TICKET Free entrance or pay 50 DKK for the the experience and support DYNAMO


Combining live soundscape, contemporary circus and dance, ’Series of’ is a collaboration
between the circus artist-dancer Mira Ravald and the musician-composer Antonio Alemanno.
Researching the possibilities of a tight wire structure as a musical instrument, the project
explores connections and conversations between physical movement, soundscape and rhythm to
create a musical performance.

AGE From 14 and up
DURATION Approx. 1 hour incl. artist talk
TICKET Free – or support DYNAMO and pay a 50

Gandras / Stork

Work in progress

Gandras is Lithuanian for stork.
The stork, with its elegant yet raw appearance, is always moving between several homes.
It reminds the artist of her own life, where she travels and performs with the circus, without having a permanent home.
The set designs a stork’s nest, and tells the story of the stork from a human point of view based on stories collected from people who live close to the stork.

The performance plays outdoors near DYNAMO. Find the location on our website from 26 June.

DURATION 60 min. incl. artist talk
AGE from 5 years old
LANGUAGE Non-verbal
TICKET Free entrance, or pay a ticket and support DYNAMO.


A dramatic, acrobatic and musical performance of chaos.

The performers work with juggling, percussion, acrobatic lifts, music and dance, in a story about exhaustion, noise and the other chaotic things found in our everyday life.

DURATION 60 min inkl. artist talk
AGE From 6 years old
LANGUAGE Non-verbal
TICKET Free entrance, or pay for the ticket and support DYNAMO

Accessibility All seating spaces (including audience seating) in DYNAMO are accessible for wheelchairs, canes, crutches or other mobility aids. Read more about accessibility in DYNAMO here.

Cancelled! Hertz

OBS: The performance is unfortunately canceled due to unforeseen circumstances. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to see you at another performance soon.

A circus performer and a floor covered in broken glass

It is rare that DYNAMO can welcome a fakir on stage, but that is the case with Marcelo Nunes work-in-progress show HERTZ.

With trapeze, the lightness of the dance and the fakir’s effective play with danger, HERTZ is a beautiful, mournful and humorous circus work that settles in the body like splinters of a broken dream.

AGE From 15 years old
TICKET Free or pay for the ticket and support DYNAMO

Accessibility All seating spaces (including audience seating) in DYNAMO are accessible for wheelchairs, canes, crutches or other mobility aids. Read more about accessibility in DYNAMO here.

A body and other objects

Work in progress

Imagine approaching the human body with the same curiosity we apply to an unfamiliar object – exploring, sensing, and discovering boundaries.

A BODY AND OTHER OBJECTS reimagines the body as both material and artifact, blurring the lines between animate and inanimate. The fascinating technique of hair-hanging conjures up the immense power hidden within each of us. By evoking the fantasy of weightlessness, the piece creates a poetic and whimsical world where the boundaries between body and object, as well as between circus and dance, become blurred.

Drawing from object-oriented perspectives, the piece weaves together the disciplines of hair-hanging, partner acrobatics, object manipulation, new magic, and performative rigging. This innovative blend creates a captivating experience, guiding the audience through a slow, magical discovery of the suspended body and the orchestra of objects that accompany it.

DURATION: 60 minutes
AGE: From 10 years
LANGUAGE: Non-verbal, partly in English
PRICE: Free or pay for your ticket and support DYNAMO

Accessibility All seating spaces (including audience seating) in DYNAMO are accessible for wheelchairs, canes, crutches or other mobility aids. Read more about accessibility in DYNAMO here.
Trigger warnings: None


Work in progress

Tension is a contemporary circus piece that explores the concept of limits. The piece is created from a political perspective to express the need to recognize limits, whether inherited from personal experiences or culturally acquired, and how they affect our lives. There are limits that evoke negative sensations and emotions, and if we are capable of acknowledging them, we can transform them or choose how and where we want to position ourselves.

It is the intimate space where the personal and the social coexist. TENSION explores a new way of performing circus: using 40-meter long elastic bands, a different and challenging material, placed on a diagonal-horizontal axis, an unusual arrangement in aerial acrobatics.

DURATION: 45 minutes, including an artist talk
AGE: From 10 years
LANGUAGE: Non-verbal
PRICE: Free or pay for your ticket and support DYNAMO

Støttet af circusnext, Odense Kommune og Statens Kunstfond
Circusnext is co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union, with support from Institut Français (French Institute), ville de Paris (city of Paris).

Where night is not so far away…

Là où la nuit n’est pas si loin puisque le jour s’en va déjà / Where night is not so far away because the day is already leaving – part of a double bill with:

Poetic German wheel and the body in fluid movements.
“I am just a body under the waves, alternately revealing and hiding the parts. You take them in turn as a ME. But they all make up me; my body is as vast as the ocean, and ME is a WE. Multiple and infinite, without beginning or end, undefined. We are the ocean, touched by rain and evaporated by the sun. Transformable and unfixed.”

– Noa Aubry

DURATION 60 min inkl. artist talk
AGE Fra 12 år
LANGUAGE Non-verbal
TICKET  Free entrance or pay for your ticket and support art in DYNAMO.

Accessibility All seating spaces (including audience seating) in DYNAMO are accessible for wheelchairs, canes, crutches or other mobility aids. Read more about accessibility in DYNAMO here.
Trigger warnings: None

PART OF CIRCUSNEXT – an EU-funded network that identifies and supports original and innovative creators of contemporary circus. Circusnext is co-financed by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, with support from Institut Français and Ville de Paris.


With circus, masks, and objects as tools, FRAGMENTS is an exploration of the dissolution and distortion of the boundaries of the body. A journey into the subconscious, memory, and the creatures that dwell in the dark corners of the mind. An invitation to shift your gaze, look inward, outward, and appreciate the small things in life. Come and witness the process.

DURATION 60 min inkl. artist talk
AGE 12 +
LANGUAGE Non-verbal
TICKET Free entrance or pay for your ticket and support art in DYNAMO / Work in progress

Part of a double bill with Where night is not so far away…

Accessibility All seating spaces (including audience seating) in DYNAMO are accessible for wheelchairs, canes, crutches or other mobility aids. Read more about accessibility in DYNAMO here.
Trigger warnings: Potentially strobe lights and loud noise.

PART OF CIRCUSNEXT – an EU-funded network that identifies and supports original and innovative creators of contemporary circus. Circusnext is co-financed by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, with support from Institut Français and Ville de Paris.

Amble Fusion: Circus & Technology

Residency / Work in Progress

Noah Schiltknecht has developed and created the Amble Fusion juggling balls, equipped with sensors and software that allow them to be programmed to behave in various ways during juggling.

During his residency at DYNAMO, Noah is exploring how these innovative tools can be used artistically and what they might mean for performance on stage. The relationship between the juggler and the objects is being redefined, shifting the focus from human-centric object manipulation to a more equal balance with this new “performer,” which communicates through music and explores new possibilities with light and trajectories.

DURATION 60 min inkl. artist talk
AGE 10 +
LANGUAGE Non-verbal
TICKET  Free or pay for your ticket and support art in DYNAMO / Work in progress

Accessibility All seating spaces (including audience seating) in DYNAMO are accessible for wheelchairs, canes, crutches or other mobility aids. Read more about accessibility in DYNAMO here.
Trigger warnings: None

Tornado’s eye

A journey from calm and stability to chaos and loss of control by David Eisele, known from SAWDUST SYMPHONY.

Tornado’s Eye, the calm heart of the storm, the secure base for powerful external motion. The piece delves into the polarity and the struggle to maintain a peaceful and controlled center while whirlwinds rage around you.

Together with an extraordinary musician, David Eisele presents a fusion of captivating object manipulation and live cello music, united by one common thread: the art of spinning.

ALDER 10 +
SPROG Non-verbal
PRIS Free entrance or pay for your ticket and support art in DYNAMO / Work in progress

Accessibility All seating spaces (including audience seating) in DYNAMO are accessible for wheelchairs, canes, crutches or other mobility aids. Read more about accessibility in DYNAMO here.
Trigger warnings: None


A circus performance for the whole family.

Three comedic acrobats and an electronic rodeo bull they try to tame. In this encounter, who is the docile one, who is the bull, and who is the most human?

Mulliville is inspired by the black-and-white golden age of silent films, where physicality, timing, and music were everything. Guaranteed laughter, slapstick, and daring somersaults! The stage becomes a playground for kids after the show.

VARIGHED 60 min inkl. playground
SPROG Non-verbal
PRIS Free entrance or pay for the ticket and support art in DYNAMO

Accessibility All seating spaces (including audience seating) in DYNAMO are accessible for wheelchairs, canes, crutches or other mobility aids. Read more about accessibility in DYNAMO here.
Trigger warnings: None


FOOD is an engaging circus performance by Michael Zandl, whom you may know from the show SAWDUST SYMPHONY.

FOOD explores the impact of human consumption on our environment and society.

This exploration comes to life through a blend of circus disciplines, including object manipulation, acrobatics, and illusion theater, all interwoven with physical storytelling. The performance features a unique combination of artistic elements and a subtle sense of humor.

DURATION 60 min inkl. artist talk
AGE 10 +
LANGUAGE Non-verbal
TICKET  Free entrance or pay for your ticket and support art in DYNAMO

Accessibility All seating spaces (including audience seating) in DYNAMO are accessible for wheelchairs, canes, crutches or other mobility aids. Read more about accessibility in DYNAMO here.
Trigger warnings: None