La Víspera (ES)


With circus, masks, and objects as tools, FRAGMENTS is an exploration of the dissolution and distortion of the boundaries of the body. A journey into the subconscious, memory, and the creatures that dwell in the dark corners of the mind. An invitation to shift your gaze, look inward, outward, and appreciate the small things in life. Come and witness the process.

DURATION 60 min inkl. artist talk
AGE 12 +
LANGUAGE Non-verbal
TICKET Free entrance or pay for your ticket and support art in DYNAMO / Work in progress

Part of a double bill with Where night is not so far away…

Accessibility All seating spaces (including audience seating) in DYNAMO are accessible for wheelchairs, canes, crutches or other mobility aids. Read more about accessibility in DYNAMO here.
Trigger warnings: Potentially strobe lights and loud noise.

PART OF CIRCUSNEXT – an EU-funded network that identifies and supports original and innovative creators of contemporary circus. Circusnext is co-financed by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, with support from Institut Français and Ville de Paris.

Supported by

Circusnext Odense Municipality Danish arts council