Noah Schiltknecht (CH)

Amble Fusion: Circus & Technology

Residency / Work in Progress

Noah Schiltknecht has developed and created the Amble Fusion juggling balls, equipped with sensors and software that allow them to be programmed to behave in various ways during juggling.

During his residency at DYNAMO, Noah is exploring how these innovative tools can be used artistically and what they might mean for performance on stage. The relationship between the juggler and the objects is being redefined, shifting the focus from human-centric object manipulation to a more equal balance with this new “performer,” which communicates through music and explores new possibilities with light and trajectories.

DURATION 60 min inkl. artist talk
AGE 10 +
LANGUAGE Non-verbal
TICKET  Free or pay for your ticket and support art in DYNAMO / Work in progress

Accessibility All seating spaces (including audience seating) in DYNAMO are accessible for wheelchairs, canes, crutches or other mobility aids. Read more about accessibility in DYNAMO here.
Trigger warnings: None

Supported by

Odense Municipality Danish arts council