Sisus Sirkus

​Sisus is an all-female contemporary circus company from Finland. Since 2014 they have done several projects as a company, and in August 2016 they premiered their first full length out door show Mosh Split. Currently Sisus is creating two new shows ‘Memoirs of Mud’ and ‘Plus Plus’. 

During their residency in DYNAMO, they will work on their production ‘Memoird of Mud,’ exploring topics such as equality, authenticity, autonomy, and freedom, as well as questions around defining Finnish female identity.

More about the company:

Their residency is part of the Exploring Nordic Circus residency programme, which investigates: How are the Nordic companies and performances impacted by our Nordic surroundings? The changing seasons, the cold, the dark, the water, the vast distances, the notion of the modern gender roles… How does the North express itself through our performances?

Supported by Nordic Culture PointFunding for Artists Residencies

In residency at Dynamo from Sep. 28. 2021 to Oct. 19. 2021