Noah Schiltknecht (CH)

Noah Schiltknecht has developed and created the Amble Fusion juggling balls, equipped with sensors and software that allow them to be programmed to behave in various ways during juggling. A public presentation for the audience takes place in DYNAMO on 11th April at 20.00.

About the project

During his residency at DYNAMO, Noah is exploring how these innovative tools can be used artistically and what they might mean for performance on stage. The relationship between the juggler and the objects is being redefined, shifting the focus from human-centric object manipulation to a more equal balance with this new “performer,” which communicates through music and explores new possibilities with light and trajectories.

About the artist

I started juggling as a teenager and then went on to train professionally after highschool. In 2019 I
obtained the Bachelor of Arts at the Academy for Circus and Performance Art in Tilburg as a classmate
and friend of Signild Thygesen. Since then I’ve worked and performed all over Europe in companies such
as Critical Mess from Germany directed by Stefan Sing who is an important inspiration for my movement
and juggling practice. With Kompani Giraff from Sweden I’ve had a period of replacing Benjamin
Beaujard in their Show Moln. In the Netherlands I worked with the dance and circus company Knot
Kollektiv in an audience participatory show alongside two dancers and I worked for a few years with
dancer and choreographer Kelly Vanneste in her comapany Alienated Performance Art. Since 2017 I’ve
been delevoping the Amble Fusion Juggling Balls which are a novel kind of tool that allows for real time
sound generation using the technique of juggling.

In residency at Dynamo from Mar. 31. 2025 to Apr. 21. 2025