A CIRCUS kamikaze, COVID-19 safe HIT ‘N RUN show
Ladies and gentlemen! Those days, when the whole world is paralyzed by a global pandemic and the climate crisis threatens to transform planet earth into a living hell, that makes Mad Max look like an all inclusive holiday, only one thing is left to do…Lean back and receive a new circus round kick in your disco balls!
A Ford Fiesta with a scene on the roof parks on the lawn by the village street pond. In a cloud of colored smoke four characters tumbles out of the car. In a few minutes they knock pegs into the ground and raise a line stand while the DJ plays and a manic conferencier summons the audience. The smoke eases and the show is on…

The show is an outdoor pop up show, and we will bring the stage consisting of a car, a trailer and a generator for electricity. The show can also take place indoors, if it is possible to get the car and the trailer inside. It can be set up as one overall show or as a number of pop up scenes. It can also be combined with a following circus workshop.
During the fall we have the opportunity to give some shows for free, as we have received support from Kulturregion Fyn and The Danish Arts Foundation. The show can also be booked at other times.
For more info on technical specifications, prices and booking (link in Danish only):