See the full programme for the Seminars here. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastCompany / Organization *Email *Phone (incl. country code) *I will attend Circus Seminars (select one or more options): *All daysWednesday June 14th Thursday June 15th - all dayThursday June 15th - Only Writing Workshop (in Danish))Thursday June 15th - Only New Circus Network Launch Friday June 16th Want to eat vegan lunch? 100 DKK/13 EUR (price per day of attendance). A link to payment will be sent to you with your registration confirmation. *YesNoOther commentsI give permission to be photographed/filmed in the context of seminar participation. *YesNoBy sending this form, I sign up to DYNAMO Newsletter and DYNAMO Newsletter for Professionals. *Both - I'm a curious catOnly DYNAMO NewsletterOnly DYNAMO Newsletter for ProfessionalsI do not sign up for the newslettersBy sending this form, I sign up to Udviklingsplatformen for Scenekunst Newsletter. *YesNoI already receive the UP newsletterSubmit