Maria Celeste Funghi (aerial rope) & Carla Carnerero Huertas (juggling; diabolo) – two of the members of French company La Barque Acide are joining this DYNAMO residency to work on upcoming performance – Tira.
A work in progress showing of Tira takes place in DYNAMO on 8th November at 20.00.
About the performance
TIRA is a universe of different ropes and cords – vertical ropes, diabolo cords and more. The ropes are part of the story of the meeting between two apparently similar but very different people, the tensions, interactions and conflicts that arise in everyday life.
TIRA pulls the strings of this great incomprehensible puzzle that is human nature, full of absurd contradictions, incomprehensible and yet sometimes so damn funny.

About the company
La Barque Acide met during the professional training at Le Lido (Toulouse) in 2016, then they expanded their family. They are building a peculiar circus where what is experienced and exchanged by the people present is more important than what they know to do in a purely performative way.