Gabrielė Penčylaitė (LT)

The Zero

A work focusing on the fool, the clown, the comic character known in French as the ‘bouffon’.

Gabrielė Penčylaitė is an actress, dancer, and circus artist, and in this work in progress, she creates the character, the old bouffon Zero, in a play with visual effects, shadows, light, and darkness.

Based on parts of the legacy of psychoanalysis with Carl Jung’s theory of the ‘shadow self’, transformed into circus, humor, and physical theater in a touching and humorous tale about our light and dark sides.

DURATION Act 15 min; Artist talk and introduction to the bouffon genre 40 min
AGE 14 år
LANGUAGE Non-verbal
TICKET Gratis eller betal for billetten og støt DYNAMO

Accessibility All seating spaces (including audience seating) in DYNAMO are accessible for wheelchairs, canes, crutches or other mobility aids. Read more about accessibility in DYNAMO here.

Supported by

Danish arts council Odense Municipality