Choreographer Simone Wierød and Architect Hugh Diamond, Standard Practice are doing a residency in DYNAMO to work on the performance Axial Figures.
A work in progress showing will take place on 8th December in DYNAMO.
About the Performance
Axial Figures is a collaboration between Danish choreographer Simone Wierød and British architect Hugh Diamond from the architecture company Standard Practice.
Axial Figures investigates systems and geometric figures through aerial dance in a scenography of ropes.

About the artists
Simone Wierød – Wired Studio
The studio works around the question of how we through the language of choreography can address current agendas in society. Our main tool is bodily movement, but other choreographic elements in our works are objects, space and sound.
Standard Practice
Standard Practice is a cross-disciplinary design & production studio based in Copenhagen. The work spans the fields of architecture, furniture design & scenography.