Artists Lotta Paavilainen and Stina Kopra are joinin gus for a residency to work on their upcoming performance – Twenty years later – still here! A public work in progress presentation will be given on 17th February. More information here.
About the performance
Twenty years later– still here! is an autobiographical two-woman show about the 20-year journey of two circus artists. It is a nostalgic, yet realistic, glimpse of the life in show-business. Behind all the glitter and glamour are countless hours of repetition, blood, sweat and tears.

About the artists
Lotta Paavilainen and Stina Kopra are award-winning performers who began working together on
the rola bola in 2001 while working with a youth circus in Finland. They spent three years
perfecting their technique at the prestigious and demanding Ecole Superieure des Arts du Cirque in
Brussels, graduating in 2008. Since then, they have worked extensively through Europe’s most
established Variety Shows, Cabarets and Circuses. They are the only female duo in the world
practicing the art of partner acrobatics on rola bola.
The residency is supported by Nordic Culture Point – Funding for Artists Residencies, Odense Kommune, and Statens Kunstfond.