La Barque Acide

Enden er nær. Mon de når at redde os?

Fem kvinder, fire mænd, seks sprog, otte nationaliteter. Når La Barque Acide indtager scenen er de ikke til at overse. En farverig tour de force af akrobatiske færdigheder og skæve karakterer.

Ud fra devisen om at alt er fucked, men intet er tabt endnu, tager de os med på et postapocalyptisk syretrip hvor alting er afgørende, men intet er alvor.

Atmosfæren er poetisk og dystopisk. I forestillingen anvendes nycirkus som middel til undersøgelse; af samfundets massive materielle forbrug og forsøget på at genbruge hverdagens objekter. Velkommen til smadder-cirkus med de bedste intentioner.

Kort interview (engelsk):

La barque Acide is quite a large company, in terms of artists on stage. How long have you been working in this format? How do you find it?

We’ve known each other for almost 5 years now and we’ve been working together in this period. We have a “democratic” working model, quite horizontal, where we all contribute artistically, as well as take care of the administrative work. It works really well, and very refreshing to take turns in saying “no” to something or other.

The company is diverse, culturally – you speak a lot of languages!

Yes – and that’s one of our strengths! It allows us to organise the communication person according to where we travel – if we go to Italy, we have those speaking Italian organising things, and so on. Again, taking turns is nice.

How have you been coping with this past year’s restrictions in relation to Covid-19 and how do you feel about alternatives in showing circus work, in digital formats, for example?

There’s pluses and minuses with digital streaming. On the one hand, it’s nice to be able to share work with people who don’t have access to it in their local contexts. For this, the internet is a great tool. But, for circus and for stage arts in general, going to see a performance is an experience, a physical experience, and digital showings can’t properly give the viewer the same experience. So, we’re looking forward to showing work again in physical spaces.

What have you been focusing on in your residency at DYNAMO?

We have some scenes already constructed, and now we’re finding deeper ways into them. We have lots of material we’ve been producing individually and collectively, and now we’re putting them together and see how they work. We focus on the little worlds between the scenes, and how our characters develop and navigate these scenes, and how they exist outside of their own scenes. We’re at a stage where we go in depth with all the elements of the show.

What’s next for your performance?

We will premiere it in May in France, hopefully to crowds that can gather again. Meanwhile, we’re showing a work in progress version here in DYNAMO. Very excited about it!


Om compagniet

La Barque Acide præsenterer 9 personer på scenen. 5 kvinder og 4 mænd undersøger cirkusteknikker, der er så forskellige som de medvirkendes oprindelse. Her kommer kunstnerne nemlig fra hele verden: Brasilien, England, Finland, Australien, Italien, Spanien, Ny Kaledonien og Frankrig.

De mødtes under det professionelle program på Le Lido (Toulouse) i 2016 og har siden udvidet familien til at inkludere adskillige teknikere, en kunstnerisk samarbejdspartner, et team, der arbejder med produktion og administration samt scenografi og lysdesign.

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Foto: Thomas Bertrand

I residency på Dynamo fra 1. Feb. 2021 til 14. Feb. 2021