Kallo Collective (FI)

Finnish company Kallo Collective is joining this DYNAMO residency to work on their production – The Mews.

The Mews draws inspiration from a news agency helmed by clowns, where the world’s tumult is vividly projected from screens onto the theater stage and into the hearts of the audience. With a tragicomic approach, it invites viewers to explore the brighter aspects of our world. Through The Mews news studio, the clowns‛ innocent and hopeful perspective unfolds, delivering a glimpse of a future filled with positivity and joy. Can we dare to believe that amidst the complexities of our world, the childlike wonder within us holds the key to hope?

Keywords: News, humor, life, clowns, reality, mews, hope, positivity, innocence

About the company

Kallo Collective is an award-winning ever-expanding physical theatre and contemporary circus company focused on non-verbal tour-ready productions with comedy at their core. Kallo Collective aims to champion the art of physical based humour by producing a wide range of productions, teaching workshops, and producing OuNous Festival an annual international festival of physical comedy in Helsinki. 

This residency was made possible with support from Statens Kunstfond/Danish Arts Foundation, Odense Municipality and Det Finske Kulturinstitut i Danmark / Finnish Culture Institute in Denmark.

I residency på Dynamo fra 5. Aug. 2024 til 15. Aug. 2024