Artist Karla Arevalo is joining this residency to work on her performance – Lei-lá. A work in progress showing of the performance will take place on 19th May kl. 20.00
About the performance
Lei-LÀ is a performance that explores walking as a symbol of human resistance. Through simple and everyday actions, a human being and 20 meters of fabric tell us the adventure of a woman who dreams of freely exploring a world without borders. The artist on stage uses the circus technique of aerial silks to tell the story of a journey, with poetic images, movement and physical metaphors. Fantasy and reality blend in the utopian world of Lei-LÀ. In this world, the circus technique constitutes a ceremony, in which fabrics and the body are transformed, magnified and unified.

About the artist
Karla studied Circus Arts in Italy, Sweden and France. There she discovered her great love for exploring thehuman body in suspension. In 2019 she began the creation of “Lei – LÀ” at SKH – Stockholm University of the Arts, followed by the“Formalization of artistic circus project” at Ésacto’Lido (Fr). Today she is part of the “Nouvelle Magie” formationat the National Center for Circus Arts CNAC (Fr).
The residency is supported by the Nordic Culture Point – Funding for Artists Residencies, Odense Municipality and the Danish Arts Foundation.