Double bill in collaboration with Teater Momentum
Two dance performances full of contrasts by HIMHERANDIT, which explore the psycological and physical aspects of endurance. Both performances are on both nights
CHAMPIONS washes away the fine lines between intimacy and wrestling, and challenges themes of homosexuality, family and home in a deeply personal performance. In this autobiographical work Andreas Constantinou searches the borders of contemporary storytelling through video, sound, installation and performance. An exploration of the psychology behind human resilience and tenacity.
MASS EFFECT is a show of collective durability and group perseverance. How people in a group push themselves to overcome extreme circumstances and exceed physical exhaustion together and as individuals. MASS EFFECT is an artistic commentary of the current socio-political landscape, where society often resolves, is disassembled and has its differences exposed in order to create separation.
NOTE: The performances play at Teater Momentum, Ny Vestergade 18, 5000 Odense C
AGE 16 +
DURATION 2 hoours
TICKET From kr. 200 / kr. 60 – kr. 0 with Momentum årskort or DYNAMO-card