A performance about a man and his attachment to stone.
Granhøj Dans always uses its own method for creating new works – in this case it is with the stone as a starting point. Stones of all sizes, shapes and weights. Through whimsical animation, the award-winning dancer Mikolaj Karczewski breathes life into the stones, and they almost get their own personality.
Presented in collaboration with Teater Momentum and plays at Teater Momentum, Ny Vestergade 18.
DURATION 60 min. The doors open an hour before the performance. Come in good time and enjoy a drink in our bar.
AGE From 12 år
DYNAMO or MOMENTUM Card: 0 kr.*
Adult: 200 kr.
Group Adult: 140 kr.
Youth u/25 år: 110 kr.
Group Youth u/25 år: 80 kr.
School ticket (min. 20 persons): 60 kr.
Children: 60 kr